I often share other people's post and this one resonates with my soul. I hope it blesses you like it has blessed me. Thanks to the author Jennifer S. White:
"I breathe and feel my chest expand with air.
I dreamt in black and white last night—I always do. I dream in shades of grey.
This makes me aware that life is a spectrum and not two distinct colors. I want to see each shade for what they are, because that’s living my life—that’s being authentic and this truth and clarity make each day my best.
I sit with my loneliness and my own inner shades of grey because I know that living from this place allows me to move towards the end of the spectrum that I choose.
I believe that life is a choice.
We can’t always choose our circumstances and we might learn to shape and transform our feelings and thoughts through effort, but we still have to own up to our almost primal and instinctual reactions.
So you want to live your best day? Then be you. Feel you. Live every day right where you are."
~ Jennifer S. White via Elephant Journal