Coconut Oil is high in antioxidants. This assists with repairing free radical damage to the skin, as well as prevent any further degeneration. Coconut Oil is one of the best oils a person can apply to their skin. People with various skin irritations have experienced wonderful by using coconut oil in their skin.
Island Girl Natural has always been an advocate of Coconut Oil and its many benefits, so infusing Essential Oils and adding its amazing properties made sense.
For our mixtures, we use 100% organic extra-virgin coconut oil and 100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. We use a special process of infusing that we discovered through many hours of experimentation seeking for that perfect creamy, smooth application.
Island Girl Natural do not claim that these mixtures are in any way medical in nature. They are based on pure personal experience. Purchase is at the customer's discretion and upon purchase, releases Island Girl Natural and any of its affiliates from any liability. Before using, please be aware of any allergies you may have related to coconut oil or any of the essential oils. As with all new things you may be introducing to your body, please inform your physician responsibly. Thank you!
Please note these mixes are for topical use only. They are not to be ingested.
Click here for a list of Essential Oils and their properties and ingredients.
Click here to see Coconut Oil Benefits.
How to use our Coconut Oil infused with Essential Oils mixtures.
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