We're catching the island breeze and spending the holidays with our loved ones. A BIG THANKS for your support and all your holiday orders—you're the heart of our amazing world! We'll be back to sprinkle more island vibes your way in Spring 2025. See you then! 🌴✨

Inspirational RSS

This morning, I led our weekly staff devotions: "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; the courage to change the things we can; and the wisdom to know the difference." This is a prayer we are all very familiar with and personally for me, I lean on a lot, which tells me, change is always happening. Today, we are in a season of change...and change is important, because without it, we do not grow. Often, we do not like change when it's happening, because it makes us uncomfortable and as humans, we do not like...

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