I started this "secret" FB group, because I have made the personal decision to take necessary steps to becoming a Better Me Today and Beyond! My hopes are the tools/methods I use will inspire and encourage others and vice versa. ♥
I will be posting encouraging/inspiring messages, helpful exercises for the mind/body/soul, etc. - these are things I will do personally and hope you will engage in some of them. I also encourage each of you to share and post, but I ask that you please keep it positive, inspirational and encouraging–we are all here for the same reason. Just to note, you may not agree with all that is posted, but please keep in mind that all posts are meant for only good intentions. If you see/read something you don't believe in or agree with, just keep moving...it's always all good on this page! ♥
The ladies who have been invited to this secret page I have specially selected. You are one who have always been there for me without judgement and you have always inspired me in this thing we call life. You have managed to carve out a section in my heart and claimed it as yours. I am forever grateful that God has chosen for us to share in this lifetime together. You, are my kindred sister.
Our journey starts now–encouraging, inspiring and reminding ourselves and each other that this life, this world-and we, who live in it are pretty amazing if we take the time to breathe it in and become aware. We, as women, sometimes forget to take care of ourselves, bec we are so busy taking care of others and we can continue to do that, but just in a different way! We will carve some time out of our busy lives for some ‘me time’ – it’s not selfish, it’s important and imperative–if we are not good, neither are those we take care of would you not agree?
This is YOUR journey, there are no rules, only YOUR rules. Further, this is a "WE" journey and I thank each of you for accepting the invitation to journey with me and with each other. I look forward to spending time with you on this page and being inspired and encouraged in return. Life is amazing, exciting and epic – but only if we allow it to be - it is our choice no matter how the tide of life ebb and flows from day to day. Remember, there is always a positive if you take the time to look for it...and in all challenging situations, there is a lesson. Much love Sisters! ♥
“One day she finally grasped that unexpected things were always going to happen in life. And with that, she realized the only control she had was how she chose to handle them. So, she made the decision to survive using courage, humor and grace. She was the Queen of her own life and the choice was hers.” ~Kathy Kinney